音樂藝術治療近排坊間經常聽到, 但究竟是什麼? 怎樣治療?治療什麼? 音樂和藝術治療在香港還不是太普遍, 和合作的幸福傳聲基金團隊一起製作了這段短片和大家詳細分享究竟什麼是音樂和藝術治療. 其實兩者也是心理治療的一種方式.
(Eng Subtitle) https://youtu.be/UV369IhBPbI
The term music/art therapy is often heard but do you know what it is? How does it work? Music and art therapy is not very common in Hong Kong yet, we have partnered with 幸福傳聲基金會 BlessVision Foundation to create this video as a short introduction of what music and art therapy truly are about. Both art and music therapy are psychotherapy approaches, using music and art as a tool.