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Inspirem Music Therapy HK

Blog #25 尼泊爾音樂旅程之一 Music jamming at Nepal 1

Writer's picture: Esther WongEsther Wong

加德滿都, 尼泊爾這是我第一次帶着行李pack滿了樂器出發的旅程. 這一次有任務在身希望將音樂的力量帶給當地一間山區學校的小朋友和一間人口販賣庇護所. 那裏大約有20名小朋友和年青人住在這個庇護中心裏面, 她們準備了音樂和舞蹈表演外歡迎我們. 而我們也為他她們帶來驚喜. 我最期待的Magic moment 就是這個時候呈現了. 終於是時候開「喼」將樂器全都拿出來! 我看到了他們的期待的目光, 每一個人都急不及待地衝上前挑選一件吸引她們的樂器, 自然流露出面上的笑容和興奮. 我們的團隊開始了一首已經準備的歌, 這些小朋友急不及代地跟隨音樂用手上的敲擊樂伴奏. 她們天生的豐富音樂感自然地將兩個不同團隊連結起來. 相對於我們香港人的拘束, 她們能夠十分隨意地用歌聲表達自己. 這個房間突然充滿了高歌歌聲, 每個人都太投入在當中, 令到聲量太大而需要我出動手勢去控制音量. 一個民族對音樂的反應能夠反映他們的文化. 「音樂係呃唔到人嘅」一個人如何玩音樂正正反映了他們的真實情感, 性格和文化.是否能夠隨意地玩? 對即興的反應又如何?是否能夠隨意地用她們自己的聲音和樂器?創意力如何? 自信心如何?是否能夠在小組面前表達自我? 雖然這些小朋友/年青人經歷了很多起伏, 當中大部份也是人口販賣受害者或是喪失了父母的地震生還者, 但是那種在她們面上看到的喜樂和生命力遠遠超過我們所想像的. 我們是否可以好像這些年青人一樣活在當下? 是否能夠忘記背後, 用我們的高高低低的人生經歷去驅動向前走? It's my first time travelling with a suitcase of music instruments, I'm here on a mission attempting to bring out the joy of music making with the local children in a school and a trafficking shelter. There were around 20 children in the shelter, after a program full of singing and dancing they prepared for us, we prepared a surprise for them. Unloading the suitcase to present the assorted musical instrument in front of them was one of the magic moment. I saw their eagerness to rush in front to try and take their pick, their faces brightened up, nothing can hide their excitement. Our team started a song, the children eagerly followed the rhythm with their percussions. The musical force was so strong that the two groups were connected right away at that moment. We did some call and response and some improvised singing. The room was filled with songs sung at the top of their lungs, music that's so loud that I had to control the volume with my body gesture. One can observe a lot about each culture by the way people respond to music. Music cannot lie. You see someone's true emotions, personality and culture upbringing right away in a simple act of playing music. Are people spontaneous? At ease with improvising? At ease with using their voice and instrument? Creative? Confident? Are people at ease to be themselves in front of a group? Despite what the children have gone through, most are the victim of human trafficking and earthquake survivor who have lost their parents, I saw the amount of joy and liveliness on their face in that present moment. Are we living in the present moment? Are we willing to let go of the past or use the past to propel us forward? 

Inspirem Music Therapy HK

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